March 2024 Parish Post

Good afternoon wonderful people,

Another month has flown by as quickly as it came. Time is the consuming and steady beat of this world. It swallows up every second no matter what we are doing, it keeps a continual beat and rhythm. One we listen to or ignore. Henceforth why do we let so much of it slip away? During this time of lent what are you achieving with your time? Have you changed one bit how you think or manage time? I remember my father and mother saying time really flies when you get older. Yep, but they forgot to add that it goes faster and faster the older we get. Well, it sure seems like it. Do we actually think about our time here on earth? I am asking each of you personally to think about what you have done with your life. Not to write me a letter or stop me and tell me but for you to answer that question truthfully in front of the mirror and GOD. When it is our time to stand there in the Kingdom and the Glory of Heaven and Jesus meets you will he greet you? This thought is constantly with me, and I fear many will not take the time to look deep into their souls and feel the reassurance from the Holy Spirit. May we feel the answer somewhere inside? Can we say we have or have not?

I think about those that have and the ones that do not have. It is the way of the world, the haves, and the have-nots. Who do you feel you are? Are you being honest with yourself? Another question we do not spend much time contemplating about. Is it because we do not want to look at ourselves and accept the truth? Well, “NEWS FLASH” will be no different when we arrive at the gate, face Jesus, and look Him in the eye knowing He knows who we are. Then it is too late. Let us make the change today during Lent, let us open ourselves up to let go and let GOD.

How many times have we heard time is money? Is that a fact or a myth? Do we put value on time? Do we waste this precious gift of time that GOD has graciously and freely given us? How about when we bring up the past and want to do things the way we did in the past? Is that why Jesus came and guided in his ministry? Not really, HE was in a constant battle trying to change the ways from the old to fresh relational ways from GOD. It was an uphill battle for everyone, the high priests, Pharisees other people and cultures, even the twelve He hand-picked. We still argue and fight today and do not follow the changing ways of Jesus Christ and His ministry. It is heartbreaking knowing we cannot get out of the way of ourselves and let GOD be in control. We talked about a couple of weeks ago who do we give authority over our lives. Take this time to think about these thoughts in the GOD-given time we receive and seize the opportunity to do a little soul-searching and self-reflection. We cannot turn back time and cannot afford to waste anymore. Be available to be who GOD made you to be. Amen.

Love and Laughter
Pastor Paul†