Do you feel it in the air? The coolness when the sun goes down out of sight. Even the longevity of daylight is dwindling and fading away ever so slightly every evening. From our back porch I watch as the sun keeps moving farther and farther south in the blue sky and keeps setting in a different place on that western horizon each setting of the sun.…
Hello all you wonderful children of GOD!!
I find happiness in many places here on earth. How about all of us? Where do we seek happiness onearth? A place of comfort that brings a smile to our face right now as we reflect on that special place. Do we feel it change our attitude? In an instant we are there, and it brings joy into our being.…
Hello to you all,Welcome, and take a moment to sit, reflect, and think about the past year. We are already in the middle of 2021 and “YES” things are slowly getting back to a familiar normalcy that I pray will continue toward no restrictions. I reflect on the past year as a learning experience and how we all had to live differently, do church in a different way, and be with family another way.…